Welcome to Bahbooland!

I decided to start this blog as a link to the blog I keep on my son. It is meant to provide a more practical approach to the wonderful world of mommies.

Here you will find and read posts on product reviews, good articles that I've read on surviving motherhood and my own general witty commentary of my own insights.

PLEASE, leave comments, join the Ma-Ma Sisterhood and start discussions of your own. If you are curious on the blossoming of my own little cutie- you can visit http://theboltfamily07.blogspot.com/
Other than that...welcome to Bahbooland!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

No, it's not jaundice- he's just a sweet potatoe.

So my kid is the only one in daycare with color. Granted the color is yellow-orange and people are constantly checking with me to make sure his liver is functioning but at least he isn't ghostly looking like my husband and I.
Two things about this aspect of mommyhood concern me....
The first is: Who elects members onto the Mommy Police Squad and how do we impeach them? Does anyone else find it extremely obnoxious when people are constantly walking behind you, hunched over with their arms out stretched because they are worried you might drop your child? I'm like- "Thank you, I've got this." Like I don't know my son is bordering on membership to Loompa Land. Leave me alone! At the end of the day if my kid is being picky about what I'm feeding him and I know that sweet potatoes are a sure thing... I'm feeding him the sweet potatoes!
Which leads me to my second issue:
Does anyone know of a danger in over-dosing in beta-carotene? Am I actually harming him by letting him eat them all the time? I remember something from "The Magic School Bus" days about a kid O.D.'ing on goldfish crackers but they never said that it was bad for him.
Am I in the clear?


  1. He just has carotenemia, an excess of beta-carotene in the blood and it's just deposited in the skin. As long as he has a normal eye color (they are yellow in cases of jaundice) he is perfectly fine. It's a harmless condition. If he stops eating those foods it will eventually go away.

  2. I just love it when people tell me how pregnancy/labor is/will be! It's those same people who are on the mommy police squad...and i think my sister-in-law is on it. haha :P

  3. Ok, being a member of the no skin tone society, I don't think you have anything to worry about. The worst that can happen is his skin will be a little sweet potato colored for a while! The girl from The Partridge Family ate too many carrots and her skin turned orange!

    People also follow me around and act like my children are going to break. It drives me insane. Then they act like you are a negligent parent, but I am sorry no one knows a child like their mother and I know their limits not some crazy person following me to make sure they don't fall out of the cart, etc. So don't worry, lots of people get this, it really isn't just you!!!

    Lastly, be happy that he eats something, anything. My little Malcolm has decided not to eat when my husband is around and is causing major stress in my husband's head. He thinks he is anorexic!

  4. Aww! Poor Malcolm. I've realized how oblivious kids are- I hope I wasn't that harsh on my parents!

    Thanks Lauren for the orange-alert. His eyes are NOT yellow (which I actually knew about because I watch House, lol!) It's just his skin. At least he looks like he's got a tan. Rob and I look like Albinos.

    Sarah & Lorina, we should start our own squad! The "Thanks but they're my children and I will beat them if I please" squad! LOL! I'm not to that point yet and hopefully Bahboo won't drive me to that level but in the event that I have to tan some hides- I'll need to be part of team. HAHA! DFCS if you're reading this- OBVIOUSLY we ARE NOT beating our children.
